The City of Refuge for Men




Followers of The City of Refuge, please read.

As all of you who follow us know, we have ministry teams who go out on a weekly basis to raise funds and spread the word of this place and what God is doing here in order to keep our mission free of charge and open to those all over the U.S.. With that being said, we have found ourselves in need of new equipment as our numbers grow and thus have opened a “Go fund me” page.

We are reaching out and praying to God for a new stove in our kitchen. As you can see in the picture, our current stove is very outdated and is falling into disrepair. This makes cooking meals for our 80+ men very difficult and thus, is an immediate need.

Simply, we ask that if God puts it in your hearts to donate, that you would. Our current goal is $6000.00 and any amount helps. From $1 to $5000. Below you will find a link to our go fund me page. God bless and thank you.